Visualizing industry needs related to human resource development

Visualizing industry needs related to human resource development

Visualization of the specialized knowledge needs, job satisfaction, and annual income level required for work and business development in the industry

Analysis of needs for human resource development in the industryDetails

Visualization analysis tools(Questionnaire respondent attributes)
  • Questionnaire respondent attributes サムネイル
    Questionnaire respondent attributes
    Registration date
    Sep. 1, 2020
    Update date
    Apr. 19, 2024
  • Visualization analysis tools (Specialized fields that are critical to industrial work, business development, and growth)
  • Specialized fields that are critical to industrial work, business development, and growth(Regional analysis version) サムネイル
  • Specialized fields that are critical to industrial work, business development, and growth サムネイル
  • Visualization analysis tools(How much a specialized field is related to work, job satisfaction, and annual income level)
  • How much a specialized field is related to work, job satisfaction, and annual income level サムネイル