e-CSTI terms of service

Use of content from this website

Information published on this website (hereafter, “content”) may be freely used by anyone under the observance of the following terms 1) to 6), including duplication, public transmission, modification, or other forms of adaptation including commercial use. Numerical value data, tables, and graphs are not subject to copyright—the below rules do not apply to them, and they may be freely used.
When using the website content, you consent to these rules of use.

1) Listing of sources

  • a) You must indicate sources when using content. Source citations should be as follows:
    > Source: e-CSTI website (https: //, Accessed on “Date of accession”)
  • b) When editing or modifying content for use, you must indicate how edits or modifications were performed and how they are different from the original. Furthermore, edited or modified information must not be published or used as if it were created by the government.
    (Example of indicating editing or modification of content for use)
    > Created by modifying information from the e-CSTI website (https: //

2) Refrain from infringement of third party rights

  • a) Some of the content shown has been copyrighted by a third party (for example, bibliographic databases). Any content for which the copyright is held by a third party, or content for which rights other than copyright are held by a third party (e.g., personal rights or publicity rights), may not be used without permission from the third party, unless explicitly processed. Please seek permission from third parties prior to use.
  • b) For any content for which rights are held by a third party, the copyright attribution is displayed either explicitly or indirectly. However, there are sections for which third party copyright ownership is not clearly specified, or where the copyrighted parts held by a third party are not indicated. The verification of copyright attribution is the responsibility of the user.
     (→Example of display or suggestion of rights held by third party)
    > “Data sourced from Dimensions, an inter-linked research information system provided by Digital Science (https: //”
  • c) Content can be used without the permission of the copyright holder if permitted by copyright law, even if based on third party content.

3) Content for which these rules do not apply

The terms of service do not apply to the following contents.

  • a) Symbol marks, logos, and character designs indicating an organization or specific programs.
  • b) Content for which a specific and reasonable basis has been explained, and the applicability of other rules of usage is explicitly stated

4) Governing law and agreed jurisdiction

  • a) Rules described in the terms of service are interpreted based on Japanese law.
  • b) Regarding the use of content according to these rules of usage and disputes over them, the regional court with jurisdiction over the place of residence of the organization publishing the content in dispute, or its rules of usage, shall be the first exclusive agreement court of jurisdiction.

5) Exemptions

  • a) Japanese government shall not be held liable for any actions involving the use of content by users (including the use of edited information or modified content).
  • b) Content may be modified, transferred, or deleted without notice.

6) Miscellaneous

  • a) These rules of usage do not limit uses such as citations recognized under Copyright Law.
  • b) These rules of usage were enacted on January 28th, 2020. These rules of usage are based on the Government of Japan’s Standard Term of Use (version 2.0). These rules of usage may be modified in the future. When content has already been used according to an earlier version of the Government of Japan’s Standard Terms of Use, those terms shall continue to apply.
  • c) These rules of usage are compatible with Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International(Copyright usage permission terms set forth in, “CC BY.”), and content to which these rules are applied may be used according to CC BY.